

由艺术与人文学院主办, the Marcia Kinsey 访问ing Writers Series brings award-winning writers to campus to read from their work, 谈谈他们的写作, 和我们的学生互动.

两者都是。. Edward's 和 the larger Austin community benefit from the novelists, 诗人, 还有来到校园的剧作家. These working artists inspire students 和 add dimension to professors' curriculum. For more information about the Marcia Kinsey 访问ing Writers Series, please contact 萨沙·韦斯特副教授 or Mary Helen Specht副教授.

这是一个卷发女人的黑白肖像, 黑发, 带着严肃的表情直视镜头. She is wearing a light-colored blouse with lace detailing on the sleeves 和 a necklace with a crescent-shaped pendant. 背景似乎是一个户外环境, 稍微失焦, 远处可能是树木和建筑物. 整体的情绪是平静和内省的.


卡特礼堂(JBWS 186)

艾丽莎·冈萨雷斯是一位诗人、散文家和小说作家. 她的作品出现在 《365bet足球比分》《365bet足球比分》 和其他地方. A graduate of Yale University 和 the New York University MFA program, 她获得了诺曼·梅勒中心的奖学金, 面包面包作家大会, 劳力士的基础, 和你.S. 富布赖特项目. She is the recipient of a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award, an Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts 和 Letters, 和怀廷奖. 她的处女作诗集, 被评为2023年最好的书之一 《365bet足球比分》. FSG还将推出她的小说, 醒来的和一本纪实类书籍, 地球上的陌生人.


This black 和 white image shows a woman with 黑发 tied back in a low ponytail, 带着严肃的表情凝视着左边. She is wearing a high-collared, dark-colored outfit with a sleek, minimalist design. 背景很简单,把焦点放在女人身上. The overall mood of the portrait is formal 和 contemplative.


卡特礼堂(JBWS 186)

瓦Luiselli was born in Mexico City 和 grew up in South Korea, South Africa, India. An acclaimed writer of both fiction 和 nonfiction, she is the author of  人行道上人群中的面孔我的牙齿的故事告诉我它是如何结束的:一篇40个问题的文章, 和 失踪儿童档案. She is the recipient of a 2019 MacArthur Fellowship 和 the winner of DUBLIN Literary Award, 两次获得洛杉矶时报图书奖, 卡内基奖章, 美国图书奖, has been nominated for the National Book Critics Circle Award, 柯克斯奖, 以及布克奖. She has been a National Book Foundation "5 Under 35" honoree 和 the recipient of a Bearing Witness Fellowship from the Art for Justice Fund. 她的作品已在 纽约客, 《365bet足球比分》格兰塔主编的, among other publications, has been translated into more than twenty languages. She teaches at Bard College 和 is a visiting professor at Harvard University.

This black 和 white image features a close-up selfie of a man with a shaved head 和 beard, 带着深思的表情直视镜头. Next to him is a dog, possibly a husky or similar breed, also facing the camera. 那人和狗靠得很近, 在他们之间建立一种亲密感和联系. 整体气氛是温暖和个性化的.


卡特礼堂(JBWS 186)

蒂莫西·布劳恩’s plays 和 operas have been performed across the United States, 欧洲, 和亚洲, 包括《365比分网电竞》,在林肯中心. 他的戏剧《365比分网电竞》, or The Sound of The Great Existential Nothingness” was the winner of the David Mark Cohen New Play Award. 他的文章已由 《365bet足球比分》, 赫芬顿邮报, 《365比分网电竞》, 奥斯汀每月, 美国戏剧杂志除其他外. 他曾多次被授予住院医师, 包括麦克道尔, Djerassi, 圣达菲艺术学院, 爱德华·阿尔比基金会, Ucross, 和蓝山中心. Other honors include a National Science Foundation Innovation Grant 和 a Sawtelle Innovation Award. 他在圣. 365比分网电竞.

这幅黑白肖像描绘了一个有着短头发的男人, 卷发,脸刮得干干净净, 用轻微的眼神直视镜头, 自信的微笑. 他穿着一件简单的深色t恤. The background is blurred 和 neutral, keeping the focus on the subject. 图像的整体情绪是轻松和平易近人的, with the man’s expression conveying a sense of warmth 和 openness.


卡特礼堂(JBWS 186)

杰森·施耐德曼 is the author of five poetry collections, most recently 着火的伊卡拉克斯的自画像抱紧我. 他编辑了这本选集 《酷儿:作家的读者, his poems 和 essays have appeared in numerous journals 和 anthologies, including 《365比分网电竞》, 美国最好的诗歌, 锡的房子. His awards include the Emily Dickinson Award, the Shestack Award, a Fulbright Fellowship. He is longtime co-host of the podcast Painted Bride Quarterly Slush Pile 和 a guest host for The Slowdown. He is Professor of English at the Borough of Manhattan Community College 和 teaches in the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College.

Chaitali森 is the author of the novel The Pathless Sky (Europa Editions 2015) 和 the story collection A New Race of Men from Heaven (Sarab和e Books 2023), chosen by Danielle Evans as the winner of the 2021 Mary McCarthy Prize in Short Fiction. Her stories 和 essays have been published by American Short Fiction, 大道, 弹射器, 科罗拉多州的审查, 群落交错区, 电子文献, LitHub, 《洛杉矶书评, 新英格兰评论, 谢南多厄河谷, 以及许多其他出版物. Born in India 和 raised in New York 和 Pennsylvania, she currently lives in Austin, Texas.

阿曼达·约翰斯顿 is the author of two chapbooks, GUAP 和 Lock & 键,以及全长系列Another Way to Say Enter. 她的作品已经在Callaloo发表, 诗歌杂志, 太阳港, 动物的鼻口, 还有选集, Furious Flower: Seeding the Future of African American Poetry 和 Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism. 她获得了奖学金, 奖助金, 以及凯夫·卡内姆的奖项, Hedgebrook, Tasajillo, 肯塔基妇女基金会, 水磨中心, 以及奥斯汀国际诗歌节. 她是Cave Canem Foundation的前董事会主席, 阿夫拉契亚诗人的成员, 黑人诗人发声组织的联合创始人, 火炬文艺创始人. 她是2024年德克萨斯州桂冠诗人. 部分资金由德州艺术委员会提供.

贾斯汀·托雷斯是《我们动物》一书的作者, 获得弗吉尼亚州立大学卡贝尔第一小说家奖的小说, 被翻译成15种语言, 并被改编成故事片. 他被国家图书基金会评为“35岁以下5人”,斯坦福大学华莱士·斯特格纳研究员, a fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, 也是纽约公共图书馆Cullman中心研究员. His short fiction 和 essays have appeared in 纽约客, 哈珀, 格兰塔, 锡的房子, 华盛顿邮报, 洛杉矶时代影像杂志, 和最佳美国散文. 他住在洛杉矶,在加州大学洛杉矶分校教书.

Jaymes桑切斯 is a Texan playwright, actor, director, educator living in Brooklyn. 桑切斯的戏剧是随着《365比分网电竞》发展起来的, 百老汇播客网络/响尾蛇剧作家剧院, 莱德农场的太空, 公司一个, 这个地方你体内, 圣地亚哥REP, 以及波士顿艺术家剧院. He was an Inaugural Fellow of the Latinx Playwrights Circle Summer Jam in 2023. Sanchez was also the recipient of the 2020 Keene Prize for Literature 和 the second place prize of Playing on Air's James Stevenson Award. Sanchez has been a finalist for the O'Neill National Playwrights Conference, 莱德农场的太空, the Latinx Theatre Commons Carnaval 和 the Kitchen Dog Theater New Works Festival, 同时也是格蕾丝王妃奖的半决赛选手. MFA: The Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin.

萨沙西 is the author of Failure 和 I Bury the Body 和 How to Ab和on Ship. 她的第一本书获得了全国诗歌丛书奖, 获得了德州文学学会的第一本诗集奖, 和面包团奖学金. 他的近作发表在《365比分网电竞》上, 阿格尼, 格鲁吉亚审查, the anthology The Long Devotion: Poets Writing Motherhood. Her collaborative multimedia installations with visual artist Hollis Hammonds have been exhibited at the Columbus College of Art 和 Design Beeler Gallery, 德州运动家队&M Wright画廊和其他地方. 她是圣·霍普金斯大学的创意写作副教授. 德克萨斯州奥斯汀的爱德华大学.


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